Saturday, January 29, 2011


Fifteen minutes of viewing has my brain buzzing. First of all, it makes me want to rewind to the times that bridges, walkways and public art caught my attention, especially while traveling in Europe. If only I had photographed them. Big regret. Art is to be experienced and photos allow us to carry those experiences with us. Oh well, I can start here and now. And second, it makes me look forward to my next life where I could possibly become an urban planner. That is, if the ballerina gig doesn't work out.



  1. Coming from a very small town in Missouri where most of the buildings never reached above a third floor or had any interesting designs other than their dates of completion, I have always been amazed , intrigued and motivated to be more aware of the beautiful architecture found and not found in and on the buildings in larger cities.
    I agree with you, the thought of being an urban planner in my next life would be worth looking into; that or being a beautiful art nouveau statue who occasionally changes her stance and expression just to keep people guessing.
